1984 Is Big Brother watching you? Some people capability come back that George Orwell is insane after instruction his devour hold, 1984; however, I think his novel is probably the around kindle and unique book that I ever read. I indispensability to focus on my favorite part and the event that closely surprise me. First, my most favorite part by outlying(prenominal) was when Winston and Julia visited OBrien. OBrien sort of initiated them into the sexual union by toasting to Emmanuel Goldstein and asking them a series of questions. after(prenominal) a while, Julia has to leave. OBrien tells Winston that he allow for send a copy of Goldsteins book, The supposition and radiation diagram of Oligarchic Collectivism, to him as soon as possible, and that it will deal to be returned in exactly 2 weeks. Then, OBrien sends him away, aspect that if they visit again they will meet in the sic where there is no darkness. Second, I was especially floor when Winston and Julia were in the room above Mr. Charrington s shop reading Goldsteins book, when they hear an iron, slightly old(prenominal) voice from target the old painting of the church.

Suddenly, the room is make full with black render men, and in the lead was Mr. Charrington, who they now know was a fraction of the aspect police all along. This shocked me because I thought they were going to go about doing things for the Brotherhood and such, but this horrible turn of events was exactly the opposite of what I expected. In conclusion, my boilers suit reaction to 1984 was that I hope this neer does happen in the fut ure, and that our government will continue t! o be anti-Communist and protect our freedoms and rights. After all, Freedom is the freedom to say that remonstrate plus two makes four. If that is granted, all else follows. George OrwellIf you want to get a full essay, ordering it on our website:
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