One distinct difference between Winston and Julia, and Romeo and Juliet, is how they met and fell in grapple. Winston met Julia at his work and from the first time he saying her, he hated her. Winston all the same wanted to move out her once, because he believed she was a spy from the Thought Police. His anger cursorily changed to approve when she on the QT handed him a notational system containing the message, I love you. Upon receiving this note Winston became obsessed with Julia, constantly trying to father shipway to escort with her and worrying that she would lose interest in him. After very much careful planning, Winston and Julia were able to meet, til now only talked for less than a minute and in a very business exchangeable manner. Eventually they found ways to meet a equal times a week for a few hours for each wiz time. Romeo and Juliet, on the other(a) hand, met at a party. Romeo was looking at the fish in an aquarium when he spotted Juliet on the other side. He was stunned by her amazing strike and could not satiate his eyes of her. She pull downtually saw him with the aquarium and was very attracted to him. They twain(prenominal) fell in love at first vista and were married soon after. One law of similarity both these couples share is that their love is forbidden.

Winston was a married man, and even though he does not live with his wife, the Party would kill both Winston and Julia if they found out abut their love for one other. And even if Winston wasnt married, love and marriage is frowned upon by the Party, but is allowed in coiffure for there to be children, which are used as spies for ! the Party. Romeo and Juliets love is forbidden because their families are... If you want to get a in all-encompassing essay, order it on our website:
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